213 Query SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED 213 Query SET autocommit=0 213 Query select 1 from GROUP_USER_REF where GROUP_ID =3 and USER_ID =1 213 Query select acl_object_identity.object_id_identity, acl_entry.ace_order, acl_object_identity.id as acl_id, acl_object_identity.parent_object, acl_object_identity.entries_inheriting, acl_entry.id as ace_id, acl_entry.mask, acl_entry.granting, acl_entry.audit_success, acl_entry.audit_failure, acl_sid.principal as ace_principal, acl_sid.sid as ace_sid, acli_sid.principal as acl_principal, acli_sid.sid as acl_sid, acl_class.class from acl_object_identity left join acl_sid acli_sid on acli_sid.id = acl_object_identity.owner_sid left join acl_class on acl_class.id = acl_object_identity.object_id_class left join acl_entry on acl_object_identity.id = acl_entry.acl_object_identity left join acl_sid on acl_entry.sid = acl_sid.id where ( (acl_object_identity.object_id_identity = 4 and acl_class.class = 'GROUP')) order by acl_object_identity.object_id_identity asc, acl_entry.ace_order asc 213 Query select 1 from GROUP_USER_REF where GROUP_ID =2 and USER_ID =1 213 Query select this_.USER_ID as ID0_0_, this_1_.VERSION as VERSION0_0_, this_1_.UUID as UUID0_0_, this_1_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST4_0_0_, this_1_.LAST_NAME as LAST5_0_0_, this_1_.USERNAME as USERNAME0_0_, this_1_.ENCODED_USERNAME as ENCODED7_0_0_, this_1_.EMAIL as EMAIL0_0_, this_1_.PASSWORD as PASSWORD0_0_, this_1_.LAST_LOGIN as LAST10_0_0_, this_1_.AVATAR as AVATAR0_0_, this_1_.ENABLED as ENABLED0_0_, this_.SIGNATURE as SIGNATURE2_0_, this_.LANGUAGE as LANGUAGE2_0_, this_.PAGE_SIZE as PAGE4_2_0_, this_.LOCATION as LOCATION2_0_, this_.SEND_PM_NOTIFICATION as SEND6_2_0_, this_.REGISTRATION_DATE as REGISTRA7_2_0_, this_.POST_COUNT as POST8_2_0_, this_.AVATAR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME as AVATAR9_2_0_, this_.ALL_FORUM_MARKED_AS_READ_TIME as ALL10_2_0_, this_.AUTOSUBSCRIBE as AUTOSUB11_2_0_, this_.MENTIONING_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED as MENTIONING12_2_0_ from JC_USER_DETAILS this_ inner join USERS this_1_ on this_.USER_ID=this_1_.ID where lower(this_1_.USERNAME)='admin' 213 Query select this_.USER_ID as ID0_0_, this_1_.VERSION as VERSION0_0_, this_1_.UUID as UUID0_0_, this_1_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST4_0_0_, this_1_.LAST_NAME as LAST5_0_0_, this_1_.USERNAME as USERNAME0_0_, this_1_.ENCODED_USERNAME as ENCODED7_0_0_, this_1_.EMAIL as EMAIL0_0_, this_1_.PASSWORD as PASSWORD0_0_, this_1_.LAST_LOGIN as LAST10_0_0_, this_1_.AVATAR as AVATAR0_0_, this_1_.ENABLED as ENABLED0_0_, this_.SIGNATURE as SIGNATURE2_0_, this_.LANGUAGE as LANGUAGE2_0_, this_.PAGE_SIZE as PAGE4_2_0_, this_.LOCATION as LOCATION2_0_, this_.SEND_PM_NOTIFICATION as SEND6_2_0_, this_.REGISTRATION_DATE as REGISTRA7_2_0_, this_.POST_COUNT as POST8_2_0_, this_.AVATAR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME as AVATAR9_2_0_, this_.ALL_FORUM_MARKED_AS_READ_TIME as ALL10_2_0_, this_.AUTOSUBSCRIBE as AUTOSUB11_2_0_, this_.MENTIONING_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED as MENTIONING12_2_0_ from JC_USER_DETAILS this_ inner join USERS this_1_ on this_.USER_ID=this_1_.ID where lower(this_1_.USERNAME)='admin' 213 Query insert into TOPIC (UUID, TITLE, CREATION_DATE, MODIFICATION_DATE, STICKED, VIEWS, ANNOUNCEMENT, CLOSED, TOPIC_STARTER, BRANCH_ID, POLL_ID, CODE_REVIEW_ID) values ('b9aa42ed-e93b-4fd9-88c6-8099c0ca7e95', 'blahblah', '2014-06-26 12:30:52', '2014-06-26 12:30:52', 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 4, null, null) 213 Query insert into POST (UUID, POST_DATE, MODIFICATION_DATE, POST_CONTENT, USER_CREATED, TOPIC_ID) values ('f46f8abb-0708-42cb-8caf-12a0f1c3dbe2', '2014-06-26 12:30:52', null, 'blahblah', 1, 5943) 213 Query update USERS set VERSION=6716, UUID='c311f8f6-ec8f-11e3-86da-001a4df7d4e5', FIRST_NAME=null, LAST_NAME=null, USERNAME='admin', ENCODED_USERNAME='admin', EMAIL='admin@jtalks.org', PASSWORD='21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3', LAST_LOGIN='2014-06-26 12:30:51', AVATAR=x'', ENABLED=1 where ID=1 and VERSION=6715 213 Query SHOW FULL TABLES FROM `jtalks` LIKE 'PROBABLYNOT' 213 Query rollback