Type: Story
Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Priority: Minor
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 2.0
Fix Version/s: 2.1 Penguins
Sprint:2.1 Penguins
As a User I'd like to preview article before posting to avoid editing posted text
Acceptance criteria:
- Switching between Write and Preview options should be done via tabs (see screenshot)
- All validation messages should be shown when changing between "Write" and "Preview" tabs
- Tags should also be validated
- In "Preview" tab all used Markdown markup should be displayed as in published Article
- In "Write" tab all used Markdown markup should be displayed as plain text
- Discovered while testing
ANTARCTICLE-271 Create article* / *Save* buttons and Preview tab does not work in case characters limit is exceeded
- Closed
ANTARCTICLE-272 Switching between Prewiev and Write mode: duplicated tag's should be deleted
- Closed