Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 1.8 Larks
Fix Version/s: 2.0 Larks
Sprint:1.9 Larks, 2.0 Larks
When the plugin is enabled and user tries to register:
- Instead of saving the user into JCommune internal database, user's data should be sent via REST to Poulpe.
- If Poulpe returns success, then user registration continues as it was before (note, that Poulpe works with the same DB now, thus user should be there by that time).
- If Poulpe answers with validation error, user should be shown with respective error message
- If Poulpe answers with generic error, user should be shown with "Some unexpected error occurred, please contact administrator or try later"
- If Poulpe is not accessible, the error is: "Authentication service is not available right now. Please, contact administrator or try later"
- relates to
ANTARCTICLE-248 Registration in Antarcticle without Poulpe
- Closed
ANTARCTICLE-379 Registration in Antarcticle using Poulpe
- Closed