Type: Bug
Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Priority: Minor
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 2.4 Larks
Fix Version/s: 2.7 Larks
Sprint:2.4 Larks, 2.5 Larks, 2.7 Larks
You should be a registered user at javatalks.ru.
Steps to reproduce:
- Log In to javatalks.ru.
- Select any theme in any branch and click "answer" button.
- Check your local time and type it into answer field.
- Click "answer" button.
AR: check the time at the header of the message and time at the message (when it created), there is no matching. Time at javatalks slower more than 30 minutes.
ER: time of the creation should match with time at the header
it is configuration issue of javatalks instance
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