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  1. JCommune
  2. JC-2201

Save Drafts on writing topics



    • Sprint:
      3.3 Larks


      As a user, I don't want to miss my topic`s text by closing tab by mistake or connection lost.
      So I want to save my text during writing.

      Acceptance criteria:

      1. Topic`s text should be saved every 15 sec and on moving focus (including closing the page and opening other applications). So, user can close the page, open it again and see the text in Create Topic dialog.
      2. Draft must be deleted when user clears message by backspace or ctrl+A and del. This must happen immediately, we don't have to wait 15 seconds.
      3. User should not have special DELETE_OWN_POST permission to delete the Draft (so, every user who can create a topic can delete this draft also).
      4. Draft should be deleted automatically when the topic is posted.
      5. Draft should be ignored by search.
      6. Acceptable number of symbols in drafts can't be more than in topics. If the text has more symbols than permitted, a warning message appears below the field with highlighting field. Text that contains 1 symbol can be saved as a draft.
      7. Draft should have such attributes as date and time of last saving. When draft is saved for the first time,the text is "Saved just now"; and for the second a grey label "Saved N seconds (or minutes) ago" must be shown. If that happened more than an hour ago, then it just shows the date and time. Time in label is updated every 5 sec during 1st minute after saving, every minute - during 1st hour after saving, every hour - during 1 day after saving, then date of saving is shown.
      8. User topic`s post count must not be incremented by a draft.
      9. A warning popup must be shown if the draft saving didn't succeed saying: "Connection to the server was lost, please save your text locally". Message should be shown every time when connection is lost.
      10. A topic title can be saved as a Draft without any message.
      11. A message can be saved as a Draft with no title.
      12. A poll can be also saved as a Draft. If discussion contains a poll items and/or poll title - it should be saved too.
      13. User can create Discussion draft with poll/poll options, then close this one and open draft in Q&A/CodeReview creation page. The title topic and a message body will be saved in Drafts.
      14. User can create Discussion draft with poll/poll options, then close this one and open draft in Q&A/CodeReview creation page, close it and open as a Discussion topic creation - poll options, poll title and a message body should be shown.
      15. Additional checkboxes and poll end date are not saved.
      16. Story should be implemented for discussion topic, Q&A and Code review (not comments, just topic)
      17. Drafts for topic should not be available in Recent Activities and Topic without answer.
      18. If a User gets logged out, he or she receives a message "You logged out'.
      19. User is allowed to have only one Draft.
      20. Draft is not attached to the any branch.
      21. All fields should have validation only for max length and max items count in poll options list.
      22. If User creates topic draft and leave topic creation page - he/she can see his/her draft when he/she opens new topic page again.

      Justification on when to save Draft:

      • It's not likely that user removes the content and then he accidentally leaves the page. This case is not realistic. Therefore we respect all the actions of the user as intentional and simply save Topic Draft once in period.
      • Topic Draft must be also saved when user clicks somewhere outside of the text area - e.g. for cases when he closes the tab accidentally or presses Back or Forward.
      • Also it's decided to remove Topic Draft right away when user removes the whole content because otherwise the content will be there when he removes. Even if he intentionally removed it.

      Known bugs

        Bug Link TC Status
      1 After deleting text in 'Message content' area text in other fields deleted link   fixed
      2 After deleting text in 'Topic title' area draft isn't deleted link   fixed
      3 Poll title and options are not saved after changing topic type link   fixed
      4 Draft are not deleted after publishing link   fixed
      5 Date of draft saving is counted from 01.01.1970 link   fixed
      6 Option. Options number save only 49 items. link   fixed
      7 Option. Option Item length saved only 49 symbols link   fixed
      8 Date disappears in draft answer in Q&A topic link   fixed
      9 Message about saving draft appears on empty QnA topics creation page. link   fixed
      10 Displayed seconds passed from saving draft isn't multiple of 5. link   won't fix
      11 Error messages about size of text fields are in one line link   fixed
      12 Error messages about sizes of 'Message content', 'Poll', 'Option list' aren't highlighted red link   fixed
      13 Possibility to add topic`s draft without CREATE_POSTS permission by fiddler. link QA-2967 fixed
      14 Time saving isn`t disappeared after deleting 1 simbol of post in current Discussion link   fixed
      15 Error 404 appears in Console after topic editing link   fixed
      16 Error 400 appears in Console after deleting message content in topic editing link   fixed
      17 Error message about size in Topic title field isn`t disappeared after editing link   fixed
      18 No error message when posting message with only one symbol link   fixed
      19 If we submit invalid post body, fix the body and refresh - the error is still there link   To be fixed in JC-2272
      20 Validation message about length doesn't disappear after deleting extra symbol link   JC-2274
      21 Incorrect error message about poll item length link   JC-2275


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                • Assignee:
                  virtus80 virtus
                  Helen0609 Olena Tsaturian
                • Votes:
                  0 Vote for this issue
                  9 Start watching this issue


                  • Created:

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