Type: Story
Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Priority: Major
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 3.4 Larks
Fix Version/s: 3.4 Larks
Sprint:3.4 Larks
As a forum member I'd like users to answer the topic only if it's a real answer and leave comments if they want to comment someone's answer. I need this because otherwise the topic becomes a mess since the sorting is not by date, but by votes
Acceptance criteria:
- If user is the topic starter, then when opening his Question, the answer area shouldn't be shown by default.
- If user presses Answer to your own Question, then a dialog appears saying:
English dialog title Are you sure you want to answer your question? English dialog content Use comments if you want to respond to someone's answer.
Or edit your question if you want to add more details.Russian dialog title Вы точно хотите ответить на свой же вопрос? Russian dialog content Используйте комментарии, если хотите прокомментировать чей-то ответ.
Либо отредактируйте свой вопрос, если хотите добавить больше информации.Ukrainian dialog title Ви точно бажаєте відповісти на своє питання? Ukrainian dialog content Користуйтеся коментарями, якщо бажаєте прокоментувати чиюсь відповідь.
Або вiдредагуйте своє питання, якщо хочете додати більше інформації.
- If not topic starter opens the Question page, then answer area is shown as usually
- If not topic starter has already answered the question and he opens topic page, then the answer area must be hidden
- If in that case user presses Answer the Question, then a dialog is opened:
English dialog title Are you sure you want to leave another answer? English dialog content Use comments if you want to respond to someone's answer.
Or edit your previous answer if you want to add more details.Russian dialog title Вы точно хотите дать повторный ответ? Russian dialog content Используйте комментарии, если хотите прокомментировать чей-то ответ.
Либо отредактируйте свой первоначальный ответ, если хотите добавить больше информации.Ukrainian dialog title Ви точно бажаєте відповісти на питання ще раз? Ukrainian dialog content Користуйтеся коментарями, якщо бажаєте прокоментувати чиюсь відповідь.
Або відредагуйте свою першу відповідь, якщо хочете додати більше інформації.
- If user is topic starter and he has answered to his question, then when he presses Answer button, he should see the first version of the dialog (for topic starters, not for those who already left an answer)
In both cases:
- If user presses Yes, then the dialog is closed and text area is shown where user can enter the text
- If users presses Cancel, then dialog is closed and nothing else happens
- if validation error occurs or there is a draft for that answer, then text area must be shown
- mentioned in
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