Type: Test
Status: Open (View Workflow)
Priority: Minor
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Google Chrome, IE, Opera, Mozilla Firefox
1. Create ADMIN-user for “JCommune” and log in.
2. Create one external link in header on “JCommune” pages.
3. Chose one of the proposed languages in the language menu as a page language.
4. Open “Edit link” form in “External link editor” window by pressing "Edit" button for the created link.
There are next attributes in the “Edit link” window as a expected result:
for Ukrainian language:
- Window Title: “Редактор зовнішніх посилань”;
- Text Fields: "Назва", "Вкажiть посилання", "Підказка";
- Buttons: Зберегти, Скасувати, X.
for Russian language:
- Window Title: “Редактор внешних ссылок”;
- Text Fields: "Название", "Укажите ссылку", "Подсказка";
- Buttons: Сохранить, Отмена, X.
for English language:
- Window Title: “External link editor”;
- Text Fields: "Title", "Specify a link", "Hint";
- Buttons: Save, Cancel, X.